girl individual dribbling

One of my player’s parents sent me that all too common dreadful message of the early 2020s… the parent had tested positive for COVID. The side effect for her daughter is that her daughter would therefore not be able to come to practice for a several days (maybe weeks). She asked if i had any ideas for workouts. Specifically she needed beginner individual basketball workout ideas for her daughter during her forced time off.

This particular player is a first year player and it’s the beginning of the season. This means she needs something really basic but useful. I sent them the following email with a some simple ideas that the player could do – no basketball goal required. Maybe you’ll find it useful!

I’ve changed the player’s name below because the article mentions health information.

I hope you are feeling okay and the family is doing well! Looking forward to having Mia back in practice! She always gives her best!

Here’s a video with some of the “Maravich Series”. It’s just a person and their ball becoming friends. 🙂

And here’s a “shooting form” video that she can do without a basketball. It’s all about doing it with proper form.

If Mia spends about 15 minutes each day working on the stuff in the first video and then does the shooting form practice maybe 10 slow reps and 10 fast reps a few times a day then it’ll pay off pretty quick!

Take care!

So there you have it. It’s not a complicated workout. It’s actually very simple, and very effective. If you’re a beginning player this beginner individual basketball workout can move you in the right direction as a supplemental to your normal work – and it’s wayyyy better than doing nothing!

Here’s the two videos linked above.

First the ball handling.

And then the shooting.

Other Ideas for Individual Basketball Workouts

You can also find your approximate ball dojo rank and work through the dribble cards at that level or below. For example, for Mia she would be a white belt because she is a beginner. She would go to the bottom of the white belt page and work through the white belt dribble cards.

Whatever you decide just keep at it! Do the work and trust the work you’ve done!


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