We created this list of basketball books for players because you can’t play against the greats like Kobe Bryant, Michael Jordan, Damian Lillard, etc. And you can’t just call those dudes up with questions. But you can learn what makes them tick, gain an understanding of game from their view points, and find out how that approach the game and certain situations by reading the words they put on paper – those players that are the best at what they do. As you advance as a player you will find that what you know is often worth more than your talents. And you can know more by encountering new explanations and viewpoints on similar situations from people who have seen way more and succeeded way more than you could do on your own.

The books for players that are recommended here have all been read by the creators of the site and typically we’ve done our a full review. Often thorough notes are included in the review to give you insights about the book so you’ll know it’s the book for you and the type of value it can provide. Our hope is that these books will provide you with some new insights into the game you love to play and ultimately make you a better, smarter player.

  • Stuff Good Players Should Know – by Dick Devenzio
    Learn so many of the little things coaches just kind of assume you’ve already been taught for figured out for yourself. This book shines a light so many opportunities for players to become better, to move from good to great, and it is all in bite size bits of information. Read an item a day, 2-3 minutes each, put it into practice, and become a better player every day. Top tier recommendation! I thought it was so good I took a ton of notes about basketball concepts players should know and added my own commentary to help remember key points I want to share with my players.